flowers in a garden

Brooklyn Extension Community Gardens

Norwich walking trail entrance

Native Plant Woodland Walking Trail

This area is planted with Connecticut native trees, shrubs and wildflowers. The site incorporates several conditions: the upper slope is drier, the lower slope is wetter, especially toward the wooded area in back. Parts of the garden are quite shaded, and the entire area slopes to the east and does not receive the hot, western sun of the afternoon. This makes it a good location for many of our native species which evolved in or near the edges of deciduous forest

Pollinator Garden

The pollinator gardens are located on the right side of the driveway to the extension center measuring approximately 2 x 12 feet, enclosed in a cement raised bad. Once in bloom the garden features lavender, enchinacea, penstemon, coreopsis, monarda, columbines and others designed to attract our native bees, butterflies and birds.

Norwich pollinator garden