Are you a Certified Extension Master Gardener in a state other than Connecticut and have you moved to Connecticut?
The UConn Master Gardener Program welcomes out-of-state Extension Master Gardeners who wish to affiliate with and contribute actively through any of its county offices. Master Gardeners who are certified in another state may become certified in Connecticut by completing the following:
- Complete the Request to Transfer online form. Upon receipt of these materials, the applicant is considered a provisional UConn Extension Master Gardener.
- The UConn Extension Master Gardener County Coordinator will review the information submitted by the proposed transfer and may choose to interview the provisional candidate.
- Attend an office training session, at the appropriate county office, before volunteering for in-office service.
- If determined appropriate by County Coordinator assessment, take and successfully pass (70%) the UConn Extension Master Gardener mid-term exam.
- Review material for and/or attend the following UConn Master Gardener classes. There may be a fee associated with this activity if additional classes are warranted.
Integrated Pest Management
Natives, Non-Natives, and Invasives
Diagnostic Clinic
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Upon completing these requirements, and the standard registration process for active certification, the applicant will be considered a fully certified UConn Extension Master Gardener. The fee is $25.